- Our ongoing classes will be performing in our Annual It's Showtime Showcase June 3rd, with dress rehearsal the day before.
- June 2nd Rehearsal will be 3PM-8PM (times for specific groups will be announced closer to rehearsal.)
- June 3rd, students should arrive about 12:30 for a final rehearsal. 3PM Performance. Bring clean snacks, water, and makeup refresh kit.
- We are doing the costume/showcase fees a little different this year. We are always looking for ways to streamline the performance for audience enjoyment, and reduce out of pocket expenses for families. Instead of $35 per class for costumes, there is just one $35 Showcase participation fee per student charged to your account. That includes 2 tickets per student, and the use of potential costume/props, and helps to fund the theatre rental.
- The performance will be at York Comprehensive High School.
- Additional tickets will be $5 each at the door.
- Students should provide their own clothing as follows:
All Pre-k- 12th grade Students Need:
- -Their assigned Academy T-Shirt
- -Black yoga/jogger/dance pants
- -Hair pulled back from their faces
- *Short hair pinned or slicked back
- *Long hair should be half up/half down, curly or straight is fine.
- Ribbons will be provided.
- Tutorial available here: https://youtu.be/I9w7gKk3czE
- -Stage makeup for males and females- neutral colors
- Tutorials available on participant resources
All acting/voice students:
-Wear your jazz shoes or black sneakers/dress shoes.
All Dance Students:
-Wear/bring your dance appropriate shoes.
Male students can order dance pants in black here if you need some:
Female Dance Students should have the above plus a leotard, tights and a skirt...
Skirts-- can be purchased below- Tiny Tots need Lilac, Fundamentals need Grey and TNT need Black
Leotards-- can be purchased on multiple sites- Tiny Tots need white, Fundamentals need Bloch brand leotard in Lavender and TNT need black
Amazon Kids Link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00WXBXXHG/ref=twister_B07CWVX4TD?_encoding=UTF8&th=1.
Amazon Adult Link: https://www.amazon.com/Bloch-Womens-Microlux-Leotard-Aubergine/dp/B00PG8IUJO/ref=sr_1_14?crid=2QN5LP16WC72U&keywords=bloch%2Bdance%2Badult%2Btutu%2Bscoop%2Bfront%2Fback%2Btank%2Bleotard&qid=1678807253&sprefix=bloch%2Bdanceadult%2Btutu%2Bscoop%2Bfront%2Fback%2Btank%2Bleotard%2Caps%2C73&sr=8-14&th=1&psc=1
Bloch website link Kids sizes: https://us.blochworld.com/products/girls-dynamic-tank-leotard-lavender?_pos=13&_sid=03292269d&_ss=r
Bloch website link Adult sizes: https://us.blochworld.com/products/girls-dynamic-tank-leotard-lavender?_pos=13&_sid=03292269d&_ss=r
(If you have your leo from last year, that works too! TNT students can be short or long sleeved in black)
Tights: Tiny Tots= White, Fundamentals and TNT= Flesh Tone - any brand is acceptable
Note 1: Dance tights are not the same as panty hose or fashion tights. They will not have any lines on the thighs. Matte finish please, not shiny.
Note 2: underwear should not be worn under dance tights (G-strings are acceptable).
Note 3: Tights are worn under the leotard.
Some Amazon Options:
Tiny Tots: www.amazon.com/Capezio-Little-Girls-Studio-Basic/dp/B0052T9KAU/ref=sr_1_7?crid=3AK0V3AY7YIV4&keywords=capezio+kids+tights+white&qid=1678808219&sprefix=capezio+kids+tights+white%2Caps%2C93&sr=8-7
Kids: https://www.amazon.com/Capezio-Little-Stretch-Footed-Ballet/dp/B0037KMI2I/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?crid=12PPLB4J1ZQZN&keywords=capezio+kids+tights&qid=1678808277&sprefix=capezio+kids+tights+%2Caps%2C131&sr=8-2-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEySkNFVVc3VDcxQ1dRJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwNjAxNTI0Mk1ORUhHQ1kwTDlYMyZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUEwNTIxOTYzMlU5QlhCUlZZTzlSRCZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU=
Adults: www.amazon.com/Capezio-Womens-Studio-Basics-Suntan/dp/B0052TBO9A/ref=sr_1_7?crid=1938EZQFDF6UR&keywords=capezio+Adult+tights&qid=1678808324&sprefix=capezio+adult+tights%2Caps%2C72&sr=8-7
Tiny Tots students should have their white academy shirt and black dance pants, girls should also have a white leo and lilac skirts and white tights.
Fundamentals students should have their grey academy shirt and black dance pants. Girls should also have a lavendar leo, flesh tone tights and grey skirt.
TNT students should have their black academy tshirts and black dance pants. Female students should also have a black leo (tank or long sleeve), flesh tone dance tights and black skirt.